Why Hope is Important

Jessica Coulthard
3 min readMar 30, 2023

Do you believe your life can get better than it is today?

I have recently been learning a lot about how hope can give us purpose and reason to not just get out of bed every day but to feel fulfilled.

Feeling fulfilled is the icing on the cake of life and having something that we believe can make use feel fulfilled is Hope.

We are constantly changing but are we changing for the better?

This is why I think Hope is so important. Even if your today is amazing, wouldn’t you want to believe that tomorrow or next year can be even better, or at very least not worse.

I have been reading (or listening in my case) to a lot of Dr Benjamin Hardy’s books on becoming our future versions of ourselves and he talks about our default future. We all have one, but are you creating it or allowing it is the best question to ask.

Most of us are just allowing our lives to happen to us. We are just getting up day after day and putting in the effort to get through to the next day without any real intention beyond that. That is exactly how we just end up in our default future. The future version of us that just takes what it is given, the version that is just waiting for something great to happen rather than making something great happen.

Without hope, we may feel stuck, defeated, or lost. We may struggle to find meaning or purpose in our lives, and we may lack the motivation to pursue our goals and dreams. This can lead to feelings of despair, hopelessness, and even depression.

This is where Hope comes in!

On the other hand, when we have hope, we are more likely to take action, persevere through challenges, and bounce back from setbacks. We are more likely to see opportunities where others may see only obstacles, and we are more likely to maintain a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity.

Hope can also help us build resilience, which is the ability to recover from difficult experiences and adapt to change. When we have hope, we are better equipped to cope with stress, trauma, and other challenges that life may throw our way.

In short, hope is important to a fulfilled life because it gives us the strength, resilience, and motivation we need to overcome obstacles and pursue our dreams

When we have a vision of a better future that we can believe in that give us hope for something better, we can get off the default future track and onto one that leads us where we actually want to go.

This takes a few steps though:

  1. A vision for a better future
  2. Belief you can achieve it
  3. A plan
  4. A first step that you can believe you can do
  5. Motivation to keep going

All of which are actually simple but not easy to pull off without some good tools, some new thought processes and probably a good coach!

But if you just start with knowing that you can have more than you do now and you need to be intentional you are off to a good start.

Jessica Coulthard

Just a Girl Like Me Coaching



Jessica Coulthard

Just a Girl Like me Journals Helping people redefine their version of Success to have success NOW!